Thursday, December 30, 2010

Making Money Secrets

Is there anything these Jersey Shore kids can’t do? I watched Barbara Walters’ “10 Most Fascinating People” show hoping to get some decent quotes from Sandra Bullock, who wasn’t even interviewed. Instead, I was treated to an interview with the Jersey Shore gang in which they defended themselves to Barbara and then defined their stupid insider words, like “Smush,” “Grenade” and “GTL.”

That segment also revealed the many ways that these kids are raking in the big bucks. Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino earned $10 million this year, not just 5 as previously reported, from his endorsement deals and iPod app. J-Woww has a tanning line out and a clothing line, and now there’s news that she has her own book coming out on “dating.” This is from the girl who slept with Pauly, but I guess of all the Jersey Shore women she’s had the least hookups in the house. (See diagram below, although I don’t watch this show to properly judge.) Anyway I fail to see how she’s qualified to put out a dating book, but I guess that doesn’t matter when it comes to making money.

Jenni “JWoww” Farley announced on her Facebook page this weekend that she, too, is throwing her hat into the writing ring to become a woman of letters. According to Farley, The Rules According to JWoww will offer “a new spin on the dos and don’ts of dating, from ’smushing’ guys to avoiding booty calls to finding the guy of your dreams.” Rife with “empowering advice for a new generation of self-assured young women,” the book will offer “shore-tested secrets on landing a mint guy, staying fresh to death, and kicking the competition to the curb.”

The dating guide, which will be published by HarperCollins imprint William Morrow, goes on sale February 8, 2011.

[From Celebuzz]

The book is being released just in time for Valentine’s day, when all the single girls with aspirations of being like J-Woww can get wasted and get their fake tits out to land the “guy of their dreams.” I’m sure he’s heavily bronzed, roided up, and has his own special language with his buddies through which he puts down all the women stupid enough to put out for him.

Update: here are more photos of Jenni on Halloween. Credit: PRPhotos

The film’s official plot synopsis follows:

Hanna (to be played by Ms. Ronan) is a teenage girl. Uniquely, she has the strength, the stamina, and the smarts of a solider; these come from being raised by her father (Mr. Bana), an ex-CIA man, in the wilds of Sweden. Living a life unlike any other teenager, her upbringing and training have been one and the same, all geared to making her the perfect assassin. The turning point in her adolescence is a sharp one; sent into the world by her father on a mission, Hanna journeys stealthily across Europe while eluding agents dispatched after her by a ruthless intelligence operative with secrets of her own (Ms. Blanchett). As she nears her ultimate target, Hanna faces startling revelations about her existence and unexpected questions about her humanity.

Seth Lochhead wrote the initial screenplay and has written subsequent drafts, as have David Farr, Joe Penhall, and Mr. Wright. Hanna will hit theaters on April 8th 2011.

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<b>News</b>.me, Betaworks &amp; NYT&#39;s Stealthy Social <b>News</b> Project, Starts <b>...</b>, the stealthy social news project being developed by Betaworks in conjunction with The New York Times, has just started accepting invite requests. As part of the partnership deal, ...

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Geraldine Hoff Doyle, the woman whose face inspired the famous.

Great <b>news</b>: Careerist RINO certified as winner of Alaska Senate <b>...</b>

Great news: Careerist RINO certified as winner of Alaska Senate race.

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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Making Money With Website

The WSJ puts a lot of time and effort into its leders—those long, exhaustively-reported front-page exclusives about topics which might not be breaking news but which are still very important. So why is it that when a story is based on information found online, the WSJ still can’t seem to link to it? Today’s leder is a good one, about possible waste in the world of spinal surgery. But it could definitely do with a few hyperlinks:

Medtronic began releasing information about its payments to surgeons on its website in June, after coming under intense scrutiny from Sen. Charles Grassley (R., Iowa)…

Medtronic’s website shows that the company paid Dr. Vaccaro $1.28 million in royalties in the first three quarters of 2010…

Dr. Foley has had royalty-bearing agreements with Medtronic since 1996. The company paid him more than $27 million from 2001 to 2006, according to internal Medtronic documents reviewed by the Journal. On its website, the company discloses paying him another $13 million in royalties in the first three quarters of this year alone.

The failure to link to Medtronic’s website is part of what makes this story more confusing than it needs to be. There’s also a cryptic reference to a court ruling which is preventing the WSJ from printing everything it knows:

The Journal mined hospitals’ Medicare claims to see what proportion of fusions performed fall in this category. Due to a three-decade-old court ruling guarding the confidentiality of physician information, the paper is barred from disclosing what it found regarding the five Norton surgeons.

Critics of the court ruling and of the privacy policies of the federal Medicare program argue that making such information public would help taxpayers understand where their money is going, and potentially deter abusive or wasteful practices.

A couple of hyperlinks would be great here, too: which court ruling, exactly, are we talking about? And which critics? I’m sure their criticism is online, under their real names—so why not link to that criticism, rather than wave vaguely at it before moving on to something else?

The bigger problem is that the WSJ makes it very hard to separate two different stories. The first story is that Medicare is paying lots of money—$2.24 billion in 2008—for spinal surgeries, many of which might not be necessary or even desirable. The second story is that Medtronic is paying lots of money to a select group of surgeons who perform a lot of such surgeries.

The first story is reasonably clear, although it would have been helpful to compare Medicare with private-sector insurers: if everybody’s happily paying for these surgeries, then the problem doesn’t really lie with Medicare. The second story, however, is murkier. The WSJ is aggressive chasing it:

Corporate whistleblowers and congressional critics contend such arrangements—which are common in orthopedic surgery—amount to kickbacks to stoke sales of medical devices.

The official statements from both surgeons and Medtronic make the kickback allegations seem a bit of a stretch. But look how the WSJ follows those statements with an explicit reprise of the kickback theme:

Dr. Foley responded in an email that he doesn’t receive any royalties from Medtronic on devices he has contributed to when they are implanted in patients by himself, members of his practice or hospitals where he has admitting privileges.

Brian Henry, a spokesman for Medtronic, says the company applies that policy to all its collaborating surgeons, thereby eliminating the temptation for them to do more surgeries to earn more royalty income.

Two former Medtronic employees have alleged in separate whistleblower lawsuits that the royalty agreements are intended to disguise the fact that the payments the company makes to surgeons are really kickbacks for using Medtronic devices.

The paper says it “reviewed” a copy of one of the lawsuits—again, this is something it would be great for them to have posted. And more generally, it would be great to see some mathematics on the alleged kickbacks: how do the payments to surgeons compare to the profits that Medtronic makes from their work? Are the payments linked in any way to the number of surgeries they perform? What proportion of spinal surgeons get these payments? Is there evidence that surgeons getting paid by Medtronic use more Medtronic devices than their colleagues?

My gut feeling here is that Medtronic is quite deliberately paying large amounts of money to key spinal surgeons, who as a result become well-disposed towards the company and the kind of of surgery which involves its products. In turn, their enthusiasm spreads across their hospitals and their region as a whole, since these surgeons are senior, respected physicians who are emulated by their peers.

But that kind of thing is a kickback only in the most conceptual way: if the surgeons help to make a certain procedure more popular among their peers, then they’ll eventually get larger royalty checks. What I’m not seeing is any evidence that if certain surgeons funnel money to Medtronic by using Medtronic products in their operations, then some of that money ends up getting kicked back to them.

My larger problem with the WSJ story is that by concentrating on kickbacks and Medicare, it downplays the bigger picture—that surgeons around the country are getting paid millions of dollars by Medtronic and performing lots of unnecessary surgeries, with the cost coming out of everybody’s rapidly-rising health-insurance premiums. If there’s a scandal here, it would seem to be one endemic to the healthcare industry. I don’t understand why the WSJ would narrow its focus so specifically onto Medicare.

(Cross-posted at CJR)

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          How Online <b>News</b> Evolved in 2010

          News is changing – quickly. The way it's researched, the way it's reported and the way we access it are all evolving rapidly. 2010 could well be remembered as a key year in the history of online news. Here are the key reasons why. ...

          NJ Gov. - AOL <b>News</b>

          There's no word on whether New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and his family visited Disney World's Blizzard Beach water park this week as his state was buried in a real blizzard, but the rising Republican rock star may have seen his ...

          Phila. Gay <b>News</b> Editor On Elton John: &#39;Couldn&#39;t Find A Better <b>...</b>

          After struggling to adopt for years, one of music's most influential men is now a dad. Sir Elton John and his partner, David Furnish, now have a son, born to a surrogate in California on Christmas Day.

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          How Online <b>News</b> Evolved in 2010

          News is changing – quickly. The way it's researched, the way it's reported and the way we access it are all evolving rapidly. 2010 could well be remembered as a key year in the history of online news. Here are the key reasons why. ...

          NJ Gov. - AOL <b>News</b>

          There's no word on whether New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and his family visited Disney World's Blizzard Beach water park this week as his state was buried in a real blizzard, but the rising Republican rock star may have seen his ...

          Phila. Gay <b>News</b> Editor On Elton John: &#39;Couldn&#39;t Find A Better <b>...</b>

          After struggling to adopt for years, one of music's most influential men is now a dad. Sir Elton John and his partner, David Furnish, now have a son, born to a surrogate in California on Christmas Day.

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          How Online <b>News</b> Evolved in 2010

          News is changing – quickly. The way it's researched, the way it's reported and the way we access it are all evolving rapidly. 2010 could well be remembered as a key year in the history of online news. Here are the key reasons why. ...

          NJ Gov. - AOL <b>News</b>

          There's no word on whether New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and his family visited Disney World's Blizzard Beach water park this week as his state was buried in a real blizzard, but the rising Republican rock star may have seen his ...

          Phila. Gay <b>News</b> Editor On Elton John: &#39;Couldn&#39;t Find A Better <b>...</b>

          After struggling to adopt for years, one of music's most influential men is now a dad. Sir Elton John and his partner, David Furnish, now have a son, born to a surrogate in California on Christmas Day.

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          How Online <b>News</b> Evolved in 2010

          News is changing – quickly. The way it's researched, the way it's reported and the way we access it are all evolving rapidly. 2010 could well be remembered as a key year in the history of online news. Here are the key reasons why. ...

          NJ Gov. - AOL <b>News</b>

          There's no word on whether New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and his family visited Disney World's Blizzard Beach water park this week as his state was buried in a real blizzard, but the rising Republican rock star may have seen his ...

          Phila. Gay <b>News</b> Editor On Elton John: &#39;Couldn&#39;t Find A Better <b>...</b>

          After struggling to adopt for years, one of music's most influential men is now a dad. Sir Elton John and his partner, David Furnish, now have a son, born to a surrogate in California on Christmas Day.

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          How Online <b>News</b> Evolved in 2010

          News is changing – quickly. The way it's researched, the way it's reported and the way we access it are all evolving rapidly. 2010 could well be remembered as a key year in the history of online news. Here are the key reasons why. ...

          NJ Gov. - AOL <b>News</b>

          There's no word on whether New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and his family visited Disney World's Blizzard Beach water park this week as his state was buried in a real blizzard, but the rising Republican rock star may have seen his ...

          Phila. Gay <b>News</b> Editor On Elton John: &#39;Couldn&#39;t Find A Better <b>...</b>

          After struggling to adopt for years, one of music's most influential men is now a dad. Sir Elton John and his partner, David Furnish, now have a son, born to a surrogate in California on Christmas Day.

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          How Online <b>News</b> Evolved in 2010

          News is changing – quickly. The way it's researched, the way it's reported and the way we access it are all evolving rapidly. 2010 could well be remembered as a key year in the history of online news. Here are the key reasons why. ...

          NJ Gov. - AOL <b>News</b>

          There's no word on whether New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and his family visited Disney World's Blizzard Beach water park this week as his state was buried in a real blizzard, but the rising Republican rock star may have seen his ...

          Phila. Gay <b>News</b> Editor On Elton John: &#39;Couldn&#39;t Find A Better <b>...</b>

          After struggling to adopt for years, one of music's most influential men is now a dad. Sir Elton John and his partner, David Furnish, now have a son, born to a surrogate in California on Christmas Day.

          bench craft company scam

          How Online <b>News</b> Evolved in 2010

          News is changing – quickly. The way it's researched, the way it's reported and the way we access it are all evolving rapidly. 2010 could well be remembered as a key year in the history of online news. Here are the key reasons why. ...

          NJ Gov. - AOL <b>News</b>

          There's no word on whether New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and his family visited Disney World's Blizzard Beach water park this week as his state was buried in a real blizzard, but the rising Republican rock star may have seen his ...

          Phila. Gay <b>News</b> Editor On Elton John: &#39;Couldn&#39;t Find A Better <b>...</b>

          After struggling to adopt for years, one of music's most influential men is now a dad. Sir Elton John and his partner, David Furnish, now have a son, born to a surrogate in California on Christmas Day.

          bench craft company scam

          How Online <b>News</b> Evolved in 2010

          News is changing – quickly. The way it's researched, the way it's reported and the way we access it are all evolving rapidly. 2010 could well be remembered as a key year in the history of online news. Here are the key reasons why. ...

          NJ Gov. - AOL <b>News</b>

          There's no word on whether New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and his family visited Disney World's Blizzard Beach water park this week as his state was buried in a real blizzard, but the rising Republican rock star may have seen his ...

          Phila. Gay <b>News</b> Editor On Elton John: &#39;Couldn&#39;t Find A Better <b>...</b>

          After struggling to adopt for years, one of music's most influential men is now a dad. Sir Elton John and his partner, David Furnish, now have a son, born to a surrogate in California on Christmas Day.

          bench craft company scam

          How Online <b>News</b> Evolved in 2010

          News is changing – quickly. The way it's researched, the way it's reported and the way we access it are all evolving rapidly. 2010 could well be remembered as a key year in the history of online news. Here are the key reasons why. ...

          NJ Gov. - AOL <b>News</b>

          There's no word on whether New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and his family visited Disney World's Blizzard Beach water park this week as his state was buried in a real blizzard, but the rising Republican rock star may have seen his ...

          Phila. Gay <b>News</b> Editor On Elton John: &#39;Couldn&#39;t Find A Better <b>...</b>

          After struggling to adopt for years, one of music's most influential men is now a dad. Sir Elton John and his partner, David Furnish, now have a son, born to a surrogate in California on Christmas Day.

          bench craft company scam

          How Online <b>News</b> Evolved in 2010

          News is changing – quickly. The way it's researched, the way it's reported and the way we access it are all evolving rapidly. 2010 could well be remembered as a key year in the history of online news. Here are the key reasons why. ...

          NJ Gov. - AOL <b>News</b>

          There's no word on whether New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and his family visited Disney World's Blizzard Beach water park this week as his state was buried in a real blizzard, but the rising Republican rock star may have seen his ...

          Phila. Gay <b>News</b> Editor On Elton John: &#39;Couldn&#39;t Find A Better <b>...</b>

          After struggling to adopt for years, one of music's most influential men is now a dad. Sir Elton John and his partner, David Furnish, now have a son, born to a surrogate in California on Christmas Day.

          bench craft company scam

          How Online <b>News</b> Evolved in 2010

          News is changing – quickly. The way it's researched, the way it's reported and the way we access it are all evolving rapidly. 2010 could well be remembered as a key year in the history of online news. Here are the key reasons why. ...

          NJ Gov. - AOL <b>News</b>

          There's no word on whether New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and his family visited Disney World's Blizzard Beach water park this week as his state was buried in a real blizzard, but the rising Republican rock star may have seen his ...

          Phila. Gay <b>News</b> Editor On Elton John: &#39;Couldn&#39;t Find A Better <b>...</b>

          After struggling to adopt for years, one of music's most influential men is now a dad. Sir Elton John and his partner, David Furnish, now have a son, born to a surrogate in California on Christmas Day.

          bench craft company scam

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Help Making Money

Even in times of severe budgetary crisis, WMATA still has to advertise itself. And what better way to reverse the public's negative opinion about random bag searches, constant maintenance, annoying talking buses, broken escalators, confusing fare structures and so forth than with some state of the art "guerrilla" marketing! Kytja Weir reports that the agency is going to try and get your attention the same way your local emo band does.

The transit system brought on Williams Whittle, based in Alexandria, earlier this month to help market the agency using traditional advertising but also possibly "guerrilla marketing" and "street teams," said Metro spokesman Reggie Woodruff.

"Williams Whittle will assist us as we continue to explore ways to increase revenue and off-peak ridership and to more effectively promote Metro and the improvements that we are making," he wrote in an e-mail.

That could mean "unconventional marketing" that directly engages potential riders, he explained. He could not provide any examples of what such direct marketing might look like, though.

What, was Evan Hensleigh not available? WMATA will be using about two-thirds of its $1.8 million advertising budget on Williams Whittle's services. For the sake of public transportation, I sure hope that Williams Whittle has some better "unconventional" ideas than those Second Life animations which Metro rolls out every now and then -- based on the company's website, it looks like they've got a ton of experience creating slightly annoying, yet oft-imitated television ads.

It looks like Shep Smith isn't the only person on Fox News that was shamed by Jon Stewart into getting a bit tougher on these Republicans for filibustering the first responders bill. Chris Wallace brought up Stewart's interview with first responders to Jon Kyl, and in response we just got more sorry excuses as to why he still would not support the bill.

Kyl Denies Health Care For 9/11 Rescue Workers Because He Doesn’t Want To ‘Hurry’:

Last week, an incensed Jon Stewart invited 9/11 first responders to the Daily Show to offer their thoughts on this callous behavior. “Disgusted” and “hurt” by their actions, the rescue workers admonished Republicans for using the holiday schedule and Senate process as an excuse to block desperately needed help. Recounting their criticism today, Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace asked Sen. Jon Kyl (R-AZ) why he couldn’t “find a way to give these heroes peace of mind when it comes to health care.” Ignoring their emotional pleas, Kyl insisted that, while he didn’t want to deny care to those who desperately need it, he just refuses to do so “in a hurry”. [...]

Kyl’s excuses fall flat in the face of fact. Any cries for more time ignore that both the Senate and House version of the Zadroga bill have been available to Kyl since 2009. If a year with the text wasn’t enough, Kyl was free to attend the bill’s June 2010 Senate hearing he insists never happened. Had he shown up, he would’ve learned that the bill is very clear on who is eligible for funding. First responders can pursue compensation established by the Zadroga bill to bolster any coverage already received from the current health fund set up in New York City.

As Jon Stewart pointed out earlier this week as well, after refusing to give these first responders health care, none of these birds should ever be allowed by our media to invoke 9-11 for political purposes ever again. Let's hope this thing gets passed despite the continued obstruction by the likes of Kyl and his fellow shameless Republican cohorts.

Transcript via Nexis Lexis.

WALLACE: Joining us now, two Senate leaders, the number two Democrat, Dick Durbin of Illinois, and his Republican counterpart, Jon Kyl of Arizona.

And, Senators, welcome back to "Fox News Sunday."

KYL: Thank you, Chris.

WALLACE: Senators, before we talk about issues that have gotten a lot of attention, I want to ask you about one that hasn't, and let me begin with you, Senator Kyl.

Will you vote this week for the 9/11 bill that would guarantee health care for the first responders who went to Ground Zero?

KYL: I don't know if that bill is going to come before us, but Dick tells me just a moment ago that he thinks that it will. First question is, is it amendable, or is it a take it or leave it proposition? The bill hasn't been through committee. There are problems with it.

And I think the first thing Republicans will ask is do we have a chance to fix any problems that may exist with it. And it's a lot of money, and so I -- my early response is that I am skeptical about that bill.

WALLACE: Senator Durbin, Republicans in addition to Senator Kyl say - - Republican critics say that you're creating a $7 billion entitlement, and that the way you pay for it is a corporate tax increase.

DURBIN: Chris, I can tell you that Senators Kirsten Gillibrand and Chuck Schumer have been working nonstop for the last several weeks with Republicans to try to find the best way to approach this. These first responders literally risked their lives when they went to Ground Zero. They came from all over the United States. And now many of them are struggling with health problems that are clearly directly related to that experience. To turn our backs on these brave people is the wrong thing to do.

Will it cost money? Yes. Is it the right thing to do? Yes. We've got to find a way to fund it that's acceptable to Republicans and Democrats.

WALLACE: Well, but let me ask you about that, Senator Durbin. If this 9/11 bill is so important, why is it that the Democratic- controlled Senate never held a vote on this bill until the lame duck session and that President Obama, the best we can tell, has never said a word about this bill in public?

DURBIN: I can't tell you where the White House stands. I hope they support it. I will just tell you this. This is like an airport that has a runway closed down. We have aircraft stacked up trying to land. We have bills stacked up over the Senate because of the nonstop filibusters that we faced this year.

I wish we could have done things more efficiently and more directly. But we've lurched from one 30-hour delay to another 30-hour delay to more Senate quorums. This Senate could be much more efficient. It should be. And it should be much more bipartisan than this.

WALLACE: Will this bill pass?

DURBIN: I think this bill will pass, and I do believe that Senators Gillibrand and Schumer are working night and day to make that happen.

WALLACE: Senator Kyl, one of your objections is -- he was blaming you for the filibusters. One of your objections is that Harry Reid put too many items on the agenda in this lame duck session.

I want to play what you said and then how one of the first responders who now has cancer reacted. Let's watch.


KYL: It is impossible to do all of the things that the majority leader laid out without doing -- frankly, without disrespecting the institution and without disrespecting one of the two holiest of holidays for Christians.



(UNKNOWN): I'm here to say that you won't find a single New York City firefighter who considers it a sign of disrespect to work in a New York City fire house on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day.


WALLACE: Senator, everyone -- everyone -- praises the first responders as heroes. You say you're skeptical about this bill. Why not find a way to give these heroes peace of mind when it comes to health care?

KYL: Well, first of all, they should have peace of mind when it comes to health care. The question is what and how.

And when you try to do it, as you said in your introduction, in a hurry, in the lame duck session, without a hearing, without understanding what the ramifications are and whether we can amend the bill, you're doing it in the worst way.

For example, there's already been a settlement for a lot of these people, a fund that has been set up for them to receive funding. Will the people that are supporting this legislation be able to participate in that fund? Nobody has been able to say. Why $7 billion? What will the requirements for qualification be for the money?

Nobody wants to deny care to people who -- and by the way, these are primarily people who helped to clean up the site in the aftermath of 9/11, and there weren't adequate precautions taken in some cases to deal with potential health issues. And to the extent that they've become ill, they do need to be taken care of.

It's one thing to make an emotional appeal, to say we need to care for somebody who did something good. It's another to do it in a sensible way. And that's all we're asking for. You bring it up in the lame duck session with no opportunity to amend it, and you're probably going to make bad legislation.

WALLACE: Let me move to...

KYL: All of this could have been done earlier, I might add.

bench craft company scam

<b>News</b> Corp. Sells Fox Mobile Group To Investment Firm Jesta

It looks like News Corp. has unloaded its Fox Mobile Group division. According to a release, investment company Jesta Group has acquired Fox Mobile Group (FMG) from News Corporation. Terms of the deal were not disclosed in the release.

Assange: Republicans, Democrats, Fox <b>News</b> conducting terrorism <b>...</b>

Assange counters 'high-tech terrorist' label by accusing his critics of terrorism.

Ben Sherwood - ABC <b>News</b> | Attack Video | Mediaite

If a video posted to Vimeo is to be believed, there are some insiders at ABC News who don't really care very much for newly-named boss Ben Sherwood, described in the video as the Draco Malfoy of Broadcast News. The video--essentially a ...

bench craft company scam

<b>News</b> Corp. Sells Fox Mobile Group To Investment Firm Jesta

It looks like News Corp. has unloaded its Fox Mobile Group division. According to a release, investment company Jesta Group has acquired Fox Mobile Group (FMG) from News Corporation. Terms of the deal were not disclosed in the release.

Assange: Republicans, Democrats, Fox <b>News</b> conducting terrorism <b>...</b>

Assange counters 'high-tech terrorist' label by accusing his critics of terrorism.

Ben Sherwood - ABC <b>News</b> | Attack Video | Mediaite

If a video posted to Vimeo is to be believed, there are some insiders at ABC News who don't really care very much for newly-named boss Ben Sherwood, described in the video as the Draco Malfoy of Broadcast News. The video--essentially a ...

bench craft company scam

<b>News</b> Corp. Sells Fox Mobile Group To Investment Firm Jesta

It looks like News Corp. has unloaded its Fox Mobile Group division. According to a release, investment company Jesta Group has acquired Fox Mobile Group (FMG) from News Corporation. Terms of the deal were not disclosed in the release.

Assange: Republicans, Democrats, Fox <b>News</b> conducting terrorism <b>...</b>

Assange counters 'high-tech terrorist' label by accusing his critics of terrorism.

Ben Sherwood - ABC <b>News</b> | Attack Video | Mediaite

If a video posted to Vimeo is to be believed, there are some insiders at ABC News who don't really care very much for newly-named boss Ben Sherwood, described in the video as the Draco Malfoy of Broadcast News. The video--essentially a ...

bench craft company scam

<b>News</b> Corp. Sells Fox Mobile Group To Investment Firm Jesta

It looks like News Corp. has unloaded its Fox Mobile Group division. According to a release, investment company Jesta Group has acquired Fox Mobile Group (FMG) from News Corporation. Terms of the deal were not disclosed in the release.

Assange: Republicans, Democrats, Fox <b>News</b> conducting terrorism <b>...</b>

Assange counters 'high-tech terrorist' label by accusing his critics of terrorism.

Ben Sherwood - ABC <b>News</b> | Attack Video | Mediaite

If a video posted to Vimeo is to be believed, there are some insiders at ABC News who don't really care very much for newly-named boss Ben Sherwood, described in the video as the Draco Malfoy of Broadcast News. The video--essentially a ...

bench craft company scam

<b>News</b> Corp. Sells Fox Mobile Group To Investment Firm Jesta

It looks like News Corp. has unloaded its Fox Mobile Group division. According to a release, investment company Jesta Group has acquired Fox Mobile Group (FMG) from News Corporation. Terms of the deal were not disclosed in the release.

Assange: Republicans, Democrats, Fox <b>News</b> conducting terrorism <b>...</b>

Assange counters 'high-tech terrorist' label by accusing his critics of terrorism.

Ben Sherwood - ABC <b>News</b> | Attack Video | Mediaite

If a video posted to Vimeo is to be believed, there are some insiders at ABC News who don't really care very much for newly-named boss Ben Sherwood, described in the video as the Draco Malfoy of Broadcast News. The video--essentially a ...

bench craft company scam

<b>News</b> Corp. Sells Fox Mobile Group To Investment Firm Jesta

It looks like News Corp. has unloaded its Fox Mobile Group division. According to a release, investment company Jesta Group has acquired Fox Mobile Group (FMG) from News Corporation. Terms of the deal were not disclosed in the release.

Assange: Republicans, Democrats, Fox <b>News</b> conducting terrorism <b>...</b>

Assange counters 'high-tech terrorist' label by accusing his critics of terrorism.

Ben Sherwood - ABC <b>News</b> | Attack Video | Mediaite

If a video posted to Vimeo is to be believed, there are some insiders at ABC News who don't really care very much for newly-named boss Ben Sherwood, described in the video as the Draco Malfoy of Broadcast News. The video--essentially a ...

bench craft company scam

<b>News</b> Corp. Sells Fox Mobile Group To Investment Firm Jesta

It looks like News Corp. has unloaded its Fox Mobile Group division. According to a release, investment company Jesta Group has acquired Fox Mobile Group (FMG) from News Corporation. Terms of the deal were not disclosed in the release.

Assange: Republicans, Democrats, Fox <b>News</b> conducting terrorism <b>...</b>

Assange counters 'high-tech terrorist' label by accusing his critics of terrorism.

Ben Sherwood - ABC <b>News</b> | Attack Video | Mediaite

If a video posted to Vimeo is to be believed, there are some insiders at ABC News who don't really care very much for newly-named boss Ben Sherwood, described in the video as the Draco Malfoy of Broadcast News. The video--essentially a ...

bench craft company scam

<b>News</b> Corp. Sells Fox Mobile Group To Investment Firm Jesta

It looks like News Corp. has unloaded its Fox Mobile Group division. According to a release, investment company Jesta Group has acquired Fox Mobile Group (FMG) from News Corporation. Terms of the deal were not disclosed in the release.

Assange: Republicans, Democrats, Fox <b>News</b> conducting terrorism <b>...</b>

Assange counters 'high-tech terrorist' label by accusing his critics of terrorism.

Ben Sherwood - ABC <b>News</b> | Attack Video | Mediaite

If a video posted to Vimeo is to be believed, there are some insiders at ABC News who don't really care very much for newly-named boss Ben Sherwood, described in the video as the Draco Malfoy of Broadcast News. The video--essentially a ...

bench craft company scam

<b>News</b> Corp. Sells Fox Mobile Group To Investment Firm Jesta

It looks like News Corp. has unloaded its Fox Mobile Group division. According to a release, investment company Jesta Group has acquired Fox Mobile Group (FMG) from News Corporation. Terms of the deal were not disclosed in the release.

Assange: Republicans, Democrats, Fox <b>News</b> conducting terrorism <b>...</b>

Assange counters 'high-tech terrorist' label by accusing his critics of terrorism.

Ben Sherwood - ABC <b>News</b> | Attack Video | Mediaite

If a video posted to Vimeo is to be believed, there are some insiders at ABC News who don't really care very much for newly-named boss Ben Sherwood, described in the video as the Draco Malfoy of Broadcast News. The video--essentially a ...

bench craft company scam

<b>News</b> Corp. Sells Fox Mobile Group To Investment Firm Jesta

It looks like News Corp. has unloaded its Fox Mobile Group division. According to a release, investment company Jesta Group has acquired Fox Mobile Group (FMG) from News Corporation. Terms of the deal were not disclosed in the release.

Assange: Republicans, Democrats, Fox <b>News</b> conducting terrorism <b>...</b>

Assange counters 'high-tech terrorist' label by accusing his critics of terrorism.

Ben Sherwood - ABC <b>News</b> | Attack Video | Mediaite

If a video posted to Vimeo is to be believed, there are some insiders at ABC News who don't really care very much for newly-named boss Ben Sherwood, described in the video as the Draco Malfoy of Broadcast News. The video--essentially a ...

bench craft company scam

<b>News</b> Corp. Sells Fox Mobile Group To Investment Firm Jesta

It looks like News Corp. has unloaded its Fox Mobile Group division. According to a release, investment company Jesta Group has acquired Fox Mobile Group (FMG) from News Corporation. Terms of the deal were not disclosed in the release.

Assange: Republicans, Democrats, Fox <b>News</b> conducting terrorism <b>...</b>

Assange counters 'high-tech terrorist' label by accusing his critics of terrorism.

Ben Sherwood - ABC <b>News</b> | Attack Video | Mediaite

If a video posted to Vimeo is to be believed, there are some insiders at ABC News who don't really care very much for newly-named boss Ben Sherwood, described in the video as the Draco Malfoy of Broadcast News. The video--essentially a ...

bench craft company scam

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

foreclosure list

It is hard to not laugh out loud at the amazing stupidity of those who say "It's Different Here".

Please consider 'Low-doc' home borrowers hit by rising rates

A new report shows a sharp increase in the number of 'low-doc' borrowers struggling to keep up with their mortgage repayments as interest rates rise.

Adjusted for loans that passed from being in arrears to being settled because the property was sold, the percentage of prime loans more than 90 days in arrears increased from 1.33 per cent in the June quarter to 1.37 per cent in the three months to the end of September.

However, Fitch says self-employed borrowers have been hit hard, which has pushed arrears among prime low documentation loans to a record 3.97 per cent - slightly higher than the previous peak of mortgage delinquencies in this segment reached during the peak of the financial crisis in the December quarter of 2008.

The associate director in Fitch's structured finance team James Zanesi says higher mortgage repayments appear to be hitting the self-employed sector much harder than employees.

"The three consecutive cash rate hikes ending in May 2010 modestly affected Australian prime mortgage performance in the third quarter of 2010. Households have demonstrated some stability in spite of the higher mortgage payments," he said.

The very worst performance in the September quarter continued to be amongst the closest equivalent Australia has to subprime loans - 'low-doc, non-conforming' borrowers.

The arrears rate amongst this group was 18.94 per cent, although it makes up a relatively tiny proportion of Australian mortgages.
Progression of Rot

Australia is starting to get hit hard but the important word in this sentence is starting. Rot starts at the edges and the outside periphery (subprime and low-doc), then spreads to the core.

The party is now over as I mentioned in Partied Out: A Recap of Australia's Now Imploding Housing Bubble; Property Bull Offers Jeremy Grantham $100m Housing bet, Party is Not Over

US Graphs, Statistics

Here is a nice set of US stats and graphs from the LPS Mortgage Monitor: October 2010 “Dashboard” that depicts where Australia will eventually head.

Total Delinquencies

Delinquencies remain about 2.7 times historical average, foreclosure inventories are 7.4 times and rising.

October Month-End Data: Conclusions

  • Foreclosure inventories continue to grow, the rise in delinquencies remains subdued as a result.
  • Accelerated foreclosure activity has led to a rapid decline in agency delinquencies. Foreclosure inventories have risen dramatically as a result.
  • Most western states have experienced a decline in the total 30 day and foreclosure inventory over the last six months.
  • The issue of current loans going delinquent remains, however more and more sixty day defaults are repeats.
  • Modification dominated seriously delinquent cures have declined over the last several months but still remain elevated.
  • More six and 12 month delinquent loans are moving to foreclosure, but the extremely delinquent category continues to grow.
  • Foreclosure sales dropped sharply, down 35 percent nationwide. Impact was across all investor categories.
  • Origination activity continues to accelerate with the government percentage declining. High quality lending is yielding the best vintage performance in years.

The housing rot in OZ has just started and it's a long way to the core. But it will get there. Australia can look forward to similar stats in years to come.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock
Click Here To Scroll Thru My Recent Post List

Washington (CNN) – It is not enough to say the economy is "struggling," "hurting," "sluggish" or "slow."

In this week's American Sauce, we nail down the specifics on our economic health: income, spending, GDP and jobs (now and future). And we look at a core problem, still: housing. We'll introduce you to a woman who's part of the next large group to face foreclosure (conventional loans on moderate homes). She personally demonstrates that all that talk of loan modifications has led to a tangled system of obstacles.

Click here to listen, or keep reading for a quick, bulleted list.

American Sauce's economic check-up:

* Personal bankruptcies: 1.5 million individuals applied for bankruptcy in the year between Sept. 2009 and Sept. 2010. That was a nearly 14 percent increase from the year before.

* Business bankruptcies: 58,322 businesses applied for bankruptcy in that time. Notably, that was a slight decrease of less than 1 percent from the year before.

* Bankruptcy stats: Look through them for yourself at

* Unemployment rate: 9.8 percent in November, up from 9.6 percent in October.

* Those on unemployment rolls: 15.1 million people.

* Those not counted in unemployment rate: Up to 5 million. That includes as many as 3.5 million who have maxed out unemployment benefits and 1.3 million workers who have stopped filing paperwork for unemployment benefits, saying they do not believe they can find a job and have given up.

NOTE: there are no reliable figures on how many "99'ers" exist. From the Labor Department, we know 3.5 million people have fallen off the unemployment rolls but we do not know how many of them have found a job and how many are still unemployed.

* Unemployment Stats: Here are the latest –

* Personal income: Went up slightly in November, rising 0.5 percent in November.

* Personal spending: Also increased last month, going up 0.4 percent.

* Income/spending stats can be found here from the Bureau of Economic Advisors:

* New home sales: Dropped another 8.1 percent in October. It was a drop of 28.5 percent from a year before and a plummet of 80 percent from the height of the housing boom.

* New home prices: Average sales price was $194,900 in October, 13.9 percent lower than in September.

* Existing home sales: Slid 2.2 percent in October.

* Existing home prices: Averaged $170,000 in October.

* More on new home numbers from CNNMoney:

* More on existing homes from CNNMoney:

For more stats, including the latest figure on Gross Domestic Product, click here for this week's American Sauce podcast:

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AMERICAblog <b>News</b>: Did Wikileaks supporters just hack ABC <b>News</b>?

News and opinion about US politics from a liberal perspective.

Listen To The Entire Michael Album | The Official Michael Jackson Site

Michael Jackson Listen To The Entire Michael Album. Michael Jackson News. December 08, 2010. Listen To The Entire Michael Album. Here's your chance to listen to the entire Michael Album coming out December 14th. Preview the album below ...

<b>News</b> Corp. Tablet Newspaper Won&#39;t Launch Before January - Digits - WSJ

News Corp.'s much-hyped, tablet-only newspaper will not launch before the end of the year, the company's chief operating officer said on Wednesday.

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AMERICAblog <b>News</b>: Did Wikileaks supporters just hack ABC <b>News</b>?

News and opinion about US politics from a liberal perspective.

Listen To The Entire Michael Album | The Official Michael Jackson Site

Michael Jackson Listen To The Entire Michael Album. Michael Jackson News. December 08, 2010. Listen To The Entire Michael Album. Here's your chance to listen to the entire Michael Album coming out December 14th. Preview the album below ...

<b>News</b> Corp. Tablet Newspaper Won&#39;t Launch Before January - Digits - WSJ

News Corp.'s much-hyped, tablet-only newspaper will not launch before the end of the year, the company's chief operating officer said on Wednesday.

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AMERICAblog <b>News</b>: Did Wikileaks supporters just hack ABC <b>News</b>?

News and opinion about US politics from a liberal perspective.

Listen To The Entire Michael Album | The Official Michael Jackson Site

Michael Jackson Listen To The Entire Michael Album. Michael Jackson News. December 08, 2010. Listen To The Entire Michael Album. Here's your chance to listen to the entire Michael Album coming out December 14th. Preview the album below ...

<b>News</b> Corp. Tablet Newspaper Won&#39;t Launch Before January - Digits - WSJ

News Corp.'s much-hyped, tablet-only newspaper will not launch before the end of the year, the company's chief operating officer said on Wednesday.

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AMERICAblog <b>News</b>: Did Wikileaks supporters just hack ABC <b>News</b>?

News and opinion about US politics from a liberal perspective.

Listen To The Entire Michael Album | The Official Michael Jackson Site

Michael Jackson Listen To The Entire Michael Album. Michael Jackson News. December 08, 2010. Listen To The Entire Michael Album. Here's your chance to listen to the entire Michael Album coming out December 14th. Preview the album below ...

<b>News</b> Corp. Tablet Newspaper Won&#39;t Launch Before January - Digits - WSJ

News Corp.'s much-hyped, tablet-only newspaper will not launch before the end of the year, the company's chief operating officer said on Wednesday.

bench craft company scam

AMERICAblog <b>News</b>: Did Wikileaks supporters just hack ABC <b>News</b>?

News and opinion about US politics from a liberal perspective.

Listen To The Entire Michael Album | The Official Michael Jackson Site

Michael Jackson Listen To The Entire Michael Album. Michael Jackson News. December 08, 2010. Listen To The Entire Michael Album. Here's your chance to listen to the entire Michael Album coming out December 14th. Preview the album below ...

<b>News</b> Corp. Tablet Newspaper Won&#39;t Launch Before January - Digits - WSJ

News Corp.'s much-hyped, tablet-only newspaper will not launch before the end of the year, the company's chief operating officer said on Wednesday.

bench craft company scam

AMERICAblog <b>News</b>: Did Wikileaks supporters just hack ABC <b>News</b>?

News and opinion about US politics from a liberal perspective.

Listen To The Entire Michael Album | The Official Michael Jackson Site

Michael Jackson Listen To The Entire Michael Album. Michael Jackson News. December 08, 2010. Listen To The Entire Michael Album. Here's your chance to listen to the entire Michael Album coming out December 14th. Preview the album below ...

<b>News</b> Corp. Tablet Newspaper Won&#39;t Launch Before January - Digits - WSJ

News Corp.'s much-hyped, tablet-only newspaper will not launch before the end of the year, the company's chief operating officer said on Wednesday.

bench craft company scam

AMERICAblog <b>News</b>: Did Wikileaks supporters just hack ABC <b>News</b>?

News and opinion about US politics from a liberal perspective.

Listen To The Entire Michael Album | The Official Michael Jackson Site

Michael Jackson Listen To The Entire Michael Album. Michael Jackson News. December 08, 2010. Listen To The Entire Michael Album. Here's your chance to listen to the entire Michael Album coming out December 14th. Preview the album below ...

<b>News</b> Corp. Tablet Newspaper Won&#39;t Launch Before January - Digits - WSJ

News Corp.'s much-hyped, tablet-only newspaper will not launch before the end of the year, the company's chief operating officer said on Wednesday.

bench craft company scam

AMERICAblog <b>News</b>: Did Wikileaks supporters just hack ABC <b>News</b>?

News and opinion about US politics from a liberal perspective.

Listen To The Entire Michael Album | The Official Michael Jackson Site

Michael Jackson Listen To The Entire Michael Album. Michael Jackson News. December 08, 2010. Listen To The Entire Michael Album. Here's your chance to listen to the entire Michael Album coming out December 14th. Preview the album below ...

<b>News</b> Corp. Tablet Newspaper Won&#39;t Launch Before January - Digits - WSJ

News Corp.'s much-hyped, tablet-only newspaper will not launch before the end of the year, the company's chief operating officer said on Wednesday.

bench craft company scam

AMERICAblog <b>News</b>: Did Wikileaks supporters just hack ABC <b>News</b>?

News and opinion about US politics from a liberal perspective.

Listen To The Entire Michael Album | The Official Michael Jackson Site

Michael Jackson Listen To The Entire Michael Album. Michael Jackson News. December 08, 2010. Listen To The Entire Michael Album. Here's your chance to listen to the entire Michael Album coming out December 14th. Preview the album below ...

<b>News</b> Corp. Tablet Newspaper Won&#39;t Launch Before January - Digits - WSJ

News Corp.'s much-hyped, tablet-only newspaper will not launch before the end of the year, the company's chief operating officer said on Wednesday.

bench craft company scam

AMERICAblog <b>News</b>: Did Wikileaks supporters just hack ABC <b>News</b>?

News and opinion about US politics from a liberal perspective.

Listen To The Entire Michael Album | The Official Michael Jackson Site

Michael Jackson Listen To The Entire Michael Album. Michael Jackson News. December 08, 2010. Listen To The Entire Michael Album. Here's your chance to listen to the entire Michael Album coming out December 14th. Preview the album below ...

<b>News</b> Corp. Tablet Newspaper Won&#39;t Launch Before January - Digits - WSJ

News Corp.'s much-hyped, tablet-only newspaper will not launch before the end of the year, the company's chief operating officer said on Wednesday.

bench craft company scam

AMERICAblog <b>News</b>: Did Wikileaks supporters just hack ABC <b>News</b>?

News and opinion about US politics from a liberal perspective.

Listen To The Entire Michael Album | The Official Michael Jackson Site

Michael Jackson Listen To The Entire Michael Album. Michael Jackson News. December 08, 2010. Listen To The Entire Michael Album. Here's your chance to listen to the entire Michael Album coming out December 14th. Preview the album below ...

<b>News</b> Corp. Tablet Newspaper Won&#39;t Launch Before January - Digits - WSJ

News Corp.'s much-hyped, tablet-only newspaper will not launch before the end of the year, the company's chief operating officer said on Wednesday.

bench craft company scam

AMERICAblog <b>News</b>: Did Wikileaks supporters just hack ABC <b>News</b>?

News and opinion about US politics from a liberal perspective.

Listen To The Entire Michael Album | The Official Michael Jackson Site

Michael Jackson Listen To The Entire Michael Album. Michael Jackson News. December 08, 2010. Listen To The Entire Michael Album. Here's your chance to listen to the entire Michael Album coming out December 14th. Preview the album below ...

<b>News</b> Corp. Tablet Newspaper Won&#39;t Launch Before January - Digits - WSJ

News Corp.'s much-hyped, tablet-only newspaper will not launch before the end of the year, the company's chief operating officer said on Wednesday.

bench craft company scam

AMERICAblog <b>News</b>: Did Wikileaks supporters just hack ABC <b>News</b>?

News and opinion about US politics from a liberal perspective.

Listen To The Entire Michael Album | The Official Michael Jackson Site

Michael Jackson Listen To The Entire Michael Album. Michael Jackson News. December 08, 2010. Listen To The Entire Michael Album. Here's your chance to listen to the entire Michael Album coming out December 14th. Preview the album below ...

<b>News</b> Corp. Tablet Newspaper Won&#39;t Launch Before January - Digits - WSJ

News Corp.'s much-hyped, tablet-only newspaper will not launch before the end of the year, the company's chief operating officer said on Wednesday.

bench craft company scam

AMERICAblog <b>News</b>: Did Wikileaks supporters just hack ABC <b>News</b>?

News and opinion about US politics from a liberal perspective.

Listen To The Entire Michael Album | The Official Michael Jackson Site

Michael Jackson Listen To The Entire Michael Album. Michael Jackson News. December 08, 2010. Listen To The Entire Michael Album. Here's your chance to listen to the entire Michael Album coming out December 14th. Preview the album below ...

<b>News</b> Corp. Tablet Newspaper Won&#39;t Launch Before January - Digits - WSJ

News Corp.'s much-hyped, tablet-only newspaper will not launch before the end of the year, the company's chief operating officer said on Wednesday.

bench craft company scam

AMERICAblog <b>News</b>: Did Wikileaks supporters just hack ABC <b>News</b>?

News and opinion about US politics from a liberal perspective.

Listen To The Entire Michael Album | The Official Michael Jackson Site

Michael Jackson Listen To The Entire Michael Album. Michael Jackson News. December 08, 2010. Listen To The Entire Michael Album. Here's your chance to listen to the entire Michael Album coming out December 14th. Preview the album below ...

<b>News</b> Corp. Tablet Newspaper Won&#39;t Launch Before January - Digits - WSJ

News Corp.'s much-hyped, tablet-only newspaper will not launch before the end of the year, the company's chief operating officer said on Wednesday.

bench craft company scam

AMERICAblog <b>News</b>: Did Wikileaks supporters just hack ABC <b>News</b>?

News and opinion about US politics from a liberal perspective.

Listen To The Entire Michael Album | The Official Michael Jackson Site

Michael Jackson Listen To The Entire Michael Album. Michael Jackson News. December 08, 2010. Listen To The Entire Michael Album. Here's your chance to listen to the entire Michael Album coming out December 14th. Preview the album below ...

<b>News</b> Corp. Tablet Newspaper Won&#39;t Launch Before January - Digits - WSJ

News Corp.'s much-hyped, tablet-only newspaper will not launch before the end of the year, the company's chief operating officer said on Wednesday.

bench craft company scam

AMERICAblog <b>News</b>: Did Wikileaks supporters just hack ABC <b>News</b>?

News and opinion about US politics from a liberal perspective.

Listen To The Entire Michael Album | The Official Michael Jackson Site

Michael Jackson Listen To The Entire Michael Album. Michael Jackson News. December 08, 2010. Listen To The Entire Michael Album. Here's your chance to listen to the entire Michael Album coming out December 14th. Preview the album below ...

<b>News</b> Corp. Tablet Newspaper Won&#39;t Launch Before January - Digits - WSJ

News Corp.'s much-hyped, tablet-only newspaper will not launch before the end of the year, the company's chief operating officer said on Wednesday.

bench craft company scam

AMERICAblog <b>News</b>: Did Wikileaks supporters just hack ABC <b>News</b>?

News and opinion about US politics from a liberal perspective.

Listen To The Entire Michael Album | The Official Michael Jackson Site

Michael Jackson Listen To The Entire Michael Album. Michael Jackson News. December 08, 2010. Listen To The Entire Michael Album. Here's your chance to listen to the entire Michael Album coming out December 14th. Preview the album below ...

<b>News</b> Corp. Tablet Newspaper Won&#39;t Launch Before January - Digits - WSJ

News Corp.'s much-hyped, tablet-only newspaper will not launch before the end of the year, the company's chief operating officer said on Wednesday.

bench craft company scam

AMERICAblog <b>News</b>: Did Wikileaks supporters just hack ABC <b>News</b>?

News and opinion about US politics from a liberal perspective.

Listen To The Entire Michael Album | The Official Michael Jackson Site

Michael Jackson Listen To The Entire Michael Album. Michael Jackson News. December 08, 2010. Listen To The Entire Michael Album. Here's your chance to listen to the entire Michael Album coming out December 14th. Preview the album below ...

<b>News</b> Corp. Tablet Newspaper Won&#39;t Launch Before January - Digits - WSJ

News Corp.'s much-hyped, tablet-only newspaper will not launch before the end of the year, the company's chief operating officer said on Wednesday.